First post!

| Tuesday, March 2, 2010
So here we have the first post at What I'd like to do is start this off with a little background on me and the phone. I got my phone in January and have been using it day in and out since then. I bought it used on eBay for about 400 dollars. Since then I have been very active at (Matth3w) learning about the phone and trying to help people.

I decided today to start a blog about the phone, news about the phone, some downloads, hacks, and customization of the phone, etc. Probably some app reviews etc. I would love for people to send me suggestions for the blog as well. Anything and everything Droid goes...

I'm not great at introductions so off I go to talk about the Droid and what I've done in the next post. Happy Droiding!

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